existing is your beauty
our bodies aren’t here to hate, they are here to hold our existence, our existence is held by memories and flourishing not one of those things were where your weight was the attention.
our bodies go through so much through life and within that changes and that’s okay its natural , im no way going to have the body I had when I was 17 and guess what im not supposed to!
we are meant to eat and find joy in every bite knowing that we are satisfied and not left hungry, there’s no limit on that its just what creates sustained stability for our bodies and what textures and flavours we love some days I can eat multiple of bags of crips and others its a salad and most days its everywhere. we don’t need a perfect palate we need to feel free on eating well. nourishing ourselves lets us face things mentally and physically
I can go days without brushing and washing my hair , I get clumps and knots, my skin can break out and have redness, my stomach bloats easily, I put on and lose weight , I forget to brush my teeth, showers I have a complicated relationship with im in no way perfect but im not trying to be or trying to hide my imperfections .
my house is usually messy, my brain is usually a state and I can go days without changing clothes. but just like everyone else im alive and giving myself what I need in a day and not giving myself what society says I need.
please if you feel hungry go grab that snack even if your not hungry and realise actually you haven’t eaten a lot today please grab that snack! we don’t need to earn food or work an appetite , even if you have a meal tonight , keep your body fed during the day even if its small things.
we are supposed to live our lives not constructed by the world , the internet , others and broken messages.
remember please that fat doesn't mean unhealthy or healthy and its not a bad word and skinny doesn't mean healthy or unhealthy either, health is individual.
keep being you, focus on your journey , emotions, sensations and embrace and support others.
from a chaotic to girl to the world she wants to know people are happy x